
2020 New Year Celebration Performance to Unveil Soon

On Nov.5, the preference conference for “2020 Beijing New Year Celebration Performance Series”created by Beijing Artists Management Corp., Ltd (BJAMC) takes place in Longfu Culture Center.

Impressive Moments at the Preference Conference

Chen Dong, Party Secretary of Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism, and Zhi Jun, President of BSAM Are Present at the Launching Ceremony Together with the Guests 

President Zhi Jun Addresses at the Preference Conference

Jia Ding, a famous lyric writer, event director and art director for Beijing New Year’s Concert Addresses at the Press Conference

China National Opera & Dance Drama Theater performs instrumental music ensemble Battle Steed Galloping Ahead

The upcoming Beijing New Year Celebration Performance series consists of seven art performance brands including orchestra, ballet, Peking Opera, traditional Chinese music, hit songs,recitation and children’s performances, in order to make it a successful brand of brilliance and highlight the artistic and cultural achievements and cultural self-confidence that China has made over the past 70 years since the founding of the People’s Republic of China. 

Beijing New Year’s Concert has become a well-known art performance brand that Beijing had since its inception in 1996,being the one with the longest history and the most influence in the world. BJAMC has adhered to the philosophy of professionalism, brand operation, industrialization and internationalization. In its 20th anniversary of the creation, the brand was expanded to include ballet, Peking Opera and traditional Chinese music, thus being “Beijing New Year’s Performance Series”. During 2016 - 2018, the performance series was rated as “Beijing’s Top 10 Cultural Exhibition Projects” for three consecutive years. 

In the year 2019 when the People’s Republic of China had its 70th birthday, BJAMC,as a well-known state-owned art performance enterprise in the Capital, takes its actual actions to present gifts to the motherland. With the support of BSAM and well-planned preparation, “2020 Beijing New Year’s Performance Series”will for the first time include hit songs, poem-reciting concert and children’s concert, in addition to orchestra, ballet, Peking Opera and traditional Chinese music, enlarging the audience and further enriching the brand. 

Seven wonderful performances make an audio-visual feast. 

New Year’s Concert

Enjoy 3,000 years of music in the ancient capital,Appreciate wonderful romantic music. 

Beijing New Year’s Concert has always adhered to the brand philosophy of “famous troupe, famous artists and famous works” and “International level, Beijing characteristics and festival atmosphere”, creating a New Year’s Concert unique to Chinese people.

The 24th Beijing New Year’s Concert will be held on Dec.,31, 2019, when the world-famous philharmonic society - Athens Philharmonic Society will present a wonderful performance. With the concerted efforts made by outstanding musicians and conductors, the society is dedicated to make contributions to Greek music through discovering, researching, rejuvenating and performing classic and modern music of Greece origin. 

Their conductor Michalis Economou is one of the most promising conductors and music composers, an important figure in Greek music community. He is proficient in various musical genres and repertoire and has made certain achievements. The upcoming performance is their first in China and they have selected famous works to present the best of Greek musics to Chinese audience. 

New Year’s ballet performance

Classic ballets are shining for centuries,A centennial troupe presents wonderful performance. 

On Jan.,5, 2020, Kieve Grand Theater’s Ballet invited by BJAMC for the 5th time will relive the well-known romantic fairy tale - the classic ballet Swan Lake once again. Founded in 1867, Kiev Grand Theatre used to be one of three prominent theaters together with Moscow Bolshoi Theatre and Mariinsky Theatre during the Soviet Union period, enjoying high reputation. In recent years, the theater visited many other countries and many of its outstanding ballet dancers were employed to act as key performers in other famous ballets in the world, winning one after another awards in the international ballet competitions.  Traditional Chinese music is a brilliant treasure of Chinese art.   

New Year’s Peking Opera Performance

Opera artists reunion,A wonderful opportunity to appreciate the quintessence of Chinese culture

Peking Opera represents the quintessence of Chinese culture and an icon of traditional Beijing culture. “2020 Beijing New Year’s Peking Opera Performance” will be held in the Great Hall of the People for the first time. On Dec., 30, some household names of Peking Opera artists including Shang Changrong, Li Mingyan, Xue Yaping, Kang Wansheng and Chi Xiaoqiu will present their best performance, allowing thousands of fans to appreciate the charm of famous masters and recognizing the spirit of the national quintessence. 

New Year’s Performance of Traditional Chinese Music

Classic Chinese music display their charm,Art masters and famous melodies blend together.

Traditional Chinese music is a brilliant treasure of Chinese art.  “The 3rd Beijing New Year Concert of Traditional Chinese Music” which is to be performed on December 28 is based on the well-established Chinese National Orchestra of China National Opera & Dance Drama Theater, joined by the strong lineup of guests including Tang Junqiao, Fang Jinlong and other famous national instrumental performers. Furthermore, we intend to invite Mo Xizi, a musician of Yi People to give a crossover performances, bringing the audience a high-level national music feast at the end of the year.

New Year’s Recitation

Chinese poems recitation resounds with their charm,Reminiscent of traditional Chinese culture.

“May All People Live Long -Beijing New Year’s Poems Recitation” will be included in the “Beijing New Year Performance Series” for the first time. The poem recitation blends a variety of crossover elements into recitation in the context of celebrating New Year’s coming. Performing artists Xiao Xiong, Kai Li, Qiao Zhen, Diliber Yunus and others will recite the most representative poetry and prose of China in the Tang and Song Dynasties with the accompaniment of the symphony orchestra; Gu Guanren, Ye Xiaogang, Mo Fan, Zhang Lida, Xu Jingxin and other well-known composers have specially created brand-new music works using poetry lines and the ingenious voice of the reciters, striving to achieve the integration of poem lines and the music.

New Year’s Concert for Children

Wang Kai’s first stage performance for a special New Year’s concert in the New Year

There are many concerts for children, but New Year's Concerts dedicated to children are rare. The 2020 Beijing New Year’s Concert for Children pioneered the integration of “wind band, storyteller, sand painting interaction and chorus”to make the symphony “visual”. On January 4, 2020, Beijing Wind  Orchestra and national first-level conductor Li Fangfang, together with Wang Kai, the founder and CEO of “Uncle Kai Storytelling” for the first crossover stage performance, also joined by Beijing Music Association Chorus and Harrow International School Beijing Chorus, jointly create a music feast for children. It is reported that Uncle Kai, a new generation of “Story King” loved by children, will perform  classic fairy tales and his selected works on the scene, as well as three songs of happy rhythm named “Uncle Kai Sings Songs for Children”.

New Year’s hit songs 

Star singers shine to celebrate the 70th anniversary of our motherland. 

On October 1, 2019, our motherland ushers in its 70th birthday. Behind the Chinese miracle of the dragon soaring, there are not only the lofty aspirations of the Chinese nation that will never fall, but also the lofty beliefs of the Communist Party of China that it comes from the people,serves the people, and relies on the people. In order to celebrate and commemorate this historical moment, “Remember the Original Ambition - Famous Artists and Classics Concert” emerges. The artists will present classic songs to celebrate that CPC and our motherland continue to realize the Chinese dream with confidence and move towards a better and promising tomorrow; the concert is to express their love for the motherland. May our motherland advance courageously and achieve even more brilliant achievements. 

Behind the scenes of  “New Year’s Performance Series”

The “Beijing New Year Performance Series” has formed a unique brand feature with a fixed performance time, a fixed performance venue and a fixed performance form. It is not only the most anticipated New Year performance project for Beijing audiences at the turn of the years, but also shapes Beijing as an international city. The image has become an indisputable national cultural brand in China's cultural market. With the rapid development of culture today, the “Beijing New Year Performance Series” brand has never stopped its pace of innovation, developing from a performance to a performance series and constantly adding new strength to it.

Established in 1958, BJAMC is now the core enterprise of BSAM's cultural and sports sector. Staging 600 performances throughout the year, the company  is the largest and most influential cultural and art performance enterprise in the Beijing State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission. Since its establishment 61 years ago, with its professional planning, production and execution capabilities, BJAMC has participated in many major national cultural events, created a number of large-scale brand performances, and created a large number of drama works. It is active in the forefront of nationwide cultural market and has won the praises from all walks of life.

In recent years, with a high sense of responsibility and mission, BJAMC has served the capital’s construction of the “four centers” function and “three major events” and has vigorously promoted the construction of Beijing as a national cultural center, fully demonstrating the social responsibility and mission of state-owned cultural enterprises.

We vigorously explore the ways to upgrade Beijing culture,invest in the creation of “Lao She Opera Festival” and create new landmark of Beijing culture through promoting opera arts.   

We are involved in the building of Grand Canal Culture and will release the original work of “Canal 1935”at the end of 2019.  

Keeping in mind the overall situation of the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, we organized the first Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei outstanding performance, and took the lead in the establishment of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Arts Alliance to promote cultural exchanges in the three places to a deeper and higher level.

Organize music performance of “Meet in 2022”Snow Culture Festival to create a pleasant atmosphere for the upcoming 2022 Winter Olympics. 

In celebrating the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, BJAMC dispatched a professional team to perform the  music and dance epic- “Chinese People, Fight!” and gala celebrations on the square, and organized the artistic performance themed with “Build the Chinese Dream Together” in Tongzhou District to celebrate the 70th anniversary of new China. 

The Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee proposed that we must strengthen cultural self-confidence, firmly grasp the direction of advanced socialist culture, and stimulate the nation's culture creation vitality. For a long time, BSAM has been actively fulfilling the corporate social responsibilities as a state-owned enterprise, serving Beijing's new city master plan, supporting the development of cultural undertakings and cultural industries and forming four major business areas: Olympic venue operation, optimal cultural content, characteristic cultural park and cultural finance,thus boosting the construction of the national cultural center and international exchange center. With the strong support of BSAM, the BJAMC will continue to focus on the construction of the Capital Cultural Center, promote the creative transformation and innovative development of excellent traditional culture, create more fine art performances for national audience, further prosper the cultural market, and compose new chapters of cultural exchange  to better build Chinese spirit, Chinese values and Chinese strength.
