
BSAM Won the 2023 GoldenBee CSR “Impact · Leading Enterprise” Award

On June 9, 2023, hosted by GoldenBee Think Tank and China Sustainability Tribune, the 18th International CSR Forum and the Release Ceremony of 2023 GoldenBee CSR China Honor Roll, was held in Beijing. With outstanding performance in social responsibility of a state-owned enterprise, BSAM won “Impact · Leading Enterprise” Award.

Under the corporate social responsibility philosophy of “BSAM Makes Contributions to the Society, and Responsibility Heralds the Future”, BSAM, which actively and effectively fulfills its social responsibility in the sustainable utilization of the Winter Olympics heritage, rural revitalization, green development, urban governance, enterprise bailout, public welfare and charity undertaking, stood out from nearly 300 rivals and became the only award-winning Beijing-based state-owned enterprise. In terms of “Impact”, “ESG Competitiveness” and “Innovation Power”, BSAM showcased the substantial fruits in fulfilling its social responsibility and proved the exemplary leading role.

Establishing a paragon of sustainable utilization of the Winter Olympics heritage

The social responsibility practice case of BSAM, entitled “Making Full Use of the Winter Olympics Heritage and Originating a Model of Sustainable Utilization of Venues” was selected into the 2023 GoldenBee Responsibility Competitiveness Casebook and emerged as a national characteristic sample. Following a complete success of the service guarantee tasks of Beijing 2022, the post-Games operation mode quickly prevails in these three venues under overall arrangement. BSAM enables with high technology and unveils a new mode of smart venue operation. Resources are pooled to provide new guarantee for high-level sports events. BSAM serves the people and expands the new scenarios of cultural and sports tourism consumption. The three Winter Olympics venues integrate sports events, mass fitness, cultural leisure, exhibition, display and social welfare in one, strive to achieve “repeated utilization, comprehensive utilization and lasting utilization”, and contribute to social sustainable development of Beijing, a City of Dual Olympics. According to statistics, from the end of the Winter Olympics to the late May 2023, the three Winter Olympics venues received a total of about 1.68 million visitors, effectively consolidating and outreaching the Winter Olympics achievements for “encouraging 300 million people to participate in ice and snow sports” so that the public can share the glory of the Winter Olympics.

Drawing a magnificent painting scroll of rural revitalization

BSAM constantly promotes rural revitalization and reinforces the endogenous power of rural economic development. BSAM vigorously carries out paired assistance work for Tahe Village, Taishang Village and Dujiazhuang Village with disadvantaged collective economy in Mentougou District by matchmaking for village enterprises, implementing “One Village, One Policy” and taking a variety of ways to fuel the development of the village collectives. Operating income of the collective economic organizations has steadily increased in these three villages. BSAM gives impetuses to the industrial development of Liangjiazhuang Village in Mentougou District, and fulfills the guesthouse construction and operation tasks in Liangjiazhuang Village (Phase II). In 2021 and 2022, BSAM donated RMB 2 million to Hinggan League of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region to accelerate the modernization of agricultural and pastoral areas and the development of modern animal husbandry, underpin the development of local education and health undertakings, and boost Beijing-Mongolia cooperation with practical actions. As a subsidiary of BSAM, Beijing SMEs Credit Re-guarantee Co., Ltd actively gives play to policy orientation. In the early 2022, by means of rapid reception, launch of green channel and expedited guarantee programs, Beijing SMEs Credit Re-guarantee Co., Ltd joined hands with Bank of Beijing and other banks to financially subsidize 3,000 rural households with RMB 90 million by way of agricultural assistance institutions and platforms dedicated to serving rural micro and small-sized customers, helped rural households buy fertilizers, agricultural production tools and other materials in a timely manner, supported the financing of micro and small-sized agriculture-related enterprises, and boosted the modernization of agriculture and rural areas.

Acting as a guardian of “lucid waters and lush mountains” in green development

Subordinated to BSAM, Dynagreen Environmental Protection Group Co., Ltd (Dynagreen) possesses more than 70 BOT and PPP franchise contracts for solid waste treatment in more than 20 provinces and autonomous regions, such as Beijing, Tianjin, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Hubei and Guangdong. Municipal waste treatment project, invested and constructed by Dynagreen, is a comprehensive waste recycling project integrating waste collection, storage, transportation, incineration, power generation, heating, sludge gas utilization and slag brick making in one, which not only completely eliminates the secondary pollution of domestic waste, but also truly achieves harmless, reduced and resource-based waste treatment. In 2022, Dynagreen achieved domestic waste disposal capacity of 11.3978 million tons and on-grid electricity of 348.08782 billion kWh, and reduced carbon dioxide emissions by nearly 4 million tons. At present, in the whole industry, Dynagreen ranks among the best with total waste treatment scale of 78,000 tons per day and 26 million tons per year. Dynagreen vigorously plays its role in the construction of Chinese ecological civilization.

Since its establishment in 2008, China Beijing Green Exchange (CBGE) has been specialized in green and low-carbon development by serving governments at all levels and enterprises of all kinds. Up to now, CBGE has more than 2,000 members, trading volume of over 100 million tons of various products and more than 30,000 trainees. CBGE has developed into a leading comprehensive environmental rights trading and green and low-carbon service platform in China. In accordance with the relevant arrangements of the State and Beijing Municipality, CBGE actively participates in pilot trading of Beijing carbon emission rights, promotes the construction of China Certified Emission Reduction (CCER) Trading Center, provides green financial services for industrial transformation, strives to upgrade into “a national-level green exchange with global reach”, and strongly supports Beijing to build into “a global green finance and sustainable finance center”. Beijing Guozi Financial Leasing Co., Ltd focuses on the development and expansion of green leasing business, actively establishes green leasing ecosystem, forges “Green Leasing” Brand with its unique characteristics in the fields of green infrastructure construction, low-carbon energy transition, green urban lifestyle, industrial energy conservation and emission reduction, and enables green transformation with greater momentum. By the end of the first quarter of 2023, Beijing Guozi Financial Leasing Co., Ltd had served more than 100 green leasing projects, and invested more than RMB 4.5 billion.

Enabling with high technology in support of urban governance

BSAM relies on two listed companies CapInfo Company Ltd and Beijing Certificate Authority Co., Ltd, enables industrial development with scientific and technological innovation, spares no effort for urban governance, protects information security, and contributes to Beijing’s construction of international scientific and technological innovation center and global benchmark city for digital economy. CapInfo Integrated Digital Intelligence Platform of Immediate Response to Appeals is appraised as an excellent case in “Digital Governance · Smart Enabling” National Urban Digital Governance Innovation Cases (2022). As the constructor of Service Hotline “12345” System, CapInfo Company Ltd uses advanced digital technology to build a “smart brain” with immediate response to appeals, innovatively sets up “12345” Digital Intelligence Platform of Immediate Response to Appeals, and truly applies digital intelligence to help present the satisfying “Beijing Paradigm” of mega-city governance for the convenience of people. CapInfo Company Ltd also assists in grass-roots governance of Huitian Zone, Changping District, builds “Huitian Urban Brain”, lays stress on such key scenarios as population administration, garbage classification and immediate response to appeals, and bolsters urban planning and construction, grass-roots social governance and intelligent services for people by means of big data management.

Beijing Certificate Authority Co., Ltd actively undertakes the construction and service guarantee of the infrastructures, such as Beijing Unified Digital Identity Authentication Platform, Cloud Seal Platform and Electronic License Platform, constantly renders electronic license and unified identity authentication services for “Jingtong” and “Jingban”, achieves effective electronization of more than 500 kinds of documents under more than 25 categories (such as medical certificate of birth, real estate rights certificate, residence permit of Beijing, marriage certificate and driving license), ensures the establishment of “trusted digital identity database” for nearly 60,000 government employees in Beijing, effectively supports the trusted operation of more than 50 commissions, offices and bureaus and more than 600 government affairs systems across Beijing, and escorts the effective application of nearly 380,000 newly established legal entities and more than 1.9 million Beijing Cloud Seals in the whole city.

Bailing out other enterprises and demonstrating the responsibility of a state-owned enterprise

BSAM resolutely implements the relevant requirements of the CPC Beijing Municipal Committee, Beijing Municipal People’s Government and Beijing Municipal State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission by vigorously making progress in helping micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. In 2022, BSAM reduced office rents of RMB 66.01 million for 420 micro and small-sized enterprises and individually-owned businesses and cut guarantee fees of nearly RMB 15 million for micro and small-sized enterprises, playing the important role of a state-owned enterprise for other enterprises to tide over difficulties. In order to ensure the security and stability of the industrial chain and supply chain and help make the economic cycle unimpeded, Beijing SMEs Credit Re-guarantee Co., Ltd and its subsidiaries Beijing Guohua Culture & Technology Financing Guarantee Co., Ltd and Beijing Shichuang Tongsheng Financing Guarantee Co., Ltd took multiple measures to continuously give more financing supports for micro and small-sized enterprises in the logistics sphere, which provided financing guarantee of nearly RMB 120 million for 29 logistics enterprises in 2022. China Beijing Equity Exchange successfully held the 3rd Online Promotion Meeting for Key Project Investment and Financing of Beijing Cultural Tourism Industry to bail out cultural tourism enterprises and help them solve difficulties.

Devoting to public welfare and charity undertaking as a role model of all state-owned enterprises

BSAM unswervingly gives back to the society with sincere deeds. In 2022, BSAM donated RMB 3 million for the Olympic development, industrial poverty alleviation, women and children protection and justice-upholding cause, actively organized social welfare activities in various forms, and fulfilled public welfare responsibilities in all aspects. BSAM continuously donated to Hinggan League of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region for the purpose of industrial development and public welfare assistance, jointly held summer holiday charity activities together with Beijing Women and Children Development Foundation and Beijing Association for the Promotion of Family Building, cooperated with Beijing Municipal Education Commission, Beijing Olympic City Development Foundation and Beijing National Aquatics Center for Beijing primary and secondary school students’ Olympic education campaigns themed with “Ice Sports Leads to a Bright Future”. In addition, Beijing National Aquatics Center and National Speed Skating Oval jointly held “Light It Up Blue” Event and called on the society-wide care for autistic groups. National Speed Skating Oval and Beijing Red Cross Society jointly carried out AIDS-prevention charity activities to spread the concept of healthy lifestyle. These charity activities have further cemented brilliant social image of a state-owned enterprise in the capital city.

BSAM will continue to uphold the principles of a Beijing-based enterprise, actively stay true to original ambition and mission of a state-owned enterprise, fulfill the social responsibilities of a state-owned enterprise in all aspects, help usher in a better life for the people as early as possible, and make due contributions to promoting Beijing’s development in the new era.
