
BSAM Injected New Vitality into Holiday Consumption

During the “May Day” Holiday of 2023, BSAM brought full play to its resource advantages, planned in advance, and mobilized its subsidiaries to seize the important consumption node of this holiday. BSAM launched a variety of holiday sports and leisure activities to inject new vitality into holiday consumption, while actively participating in “Direct Sale by Beijing Enterprises—State-Owned Enterprise Consumption Season”.

Stunning debut of top-notch cultural and sports “stars” in “Direct Sale by Beijing Enterprises

BSAM coordinated the three Olympics venues National Stadium (“Bird’s Nest”), Beijing National Aquatics Center (“Water Cube” and “Ice Cube”) and National Speed Skating Oval (“Ice Ribbon”), performing arts leader Beijing Artists Management Corp., Ltd and leading technology real estate developer Beijing Science Park Development (Group) Co. Ltd to join “Direct Sale by Beijing Enterprises—State-Owned Enterprise Consumption Season”. Nearly 50 products were meticulously available under category of venue visit, sports training, cultural performance, cultural and creative product, venue cooperation and high-end real estate, etc. For the first time, BSAM sold cultural and sports product service package for the society, which vividly demonstrated the fruitful outcomes from high-quality development in the fields of culture, sports, park development and operation management in recent years, and provided high-quality consumption experience for the public. At the same time, BSAM seized good opportunities of this exhibition, established contacts with a number of participating state-owned enterprises, and reached cooperation intentions. In future, BSAM will gather the strengths and wisdoms of all parties, and offer Beijing citizens more consumption choices through more diversified consumption scenarios.

Exciting activities in full swing at the three Olympics venues

According to the unique characteristics on their own, three Olympic venues “Bird’s Nest”, “Water Cube” and “Ice Ribbon”, taking int account the characteristics of the “May Day” Holiday, carefully arranged for visit, study tour, sports training and other activities. During the “May Day” Holiday of 2023, three Olympic venues greeted 160,000 visitors, helped Beijing citizens share the glory of the Winter Olympics, and added new content into better life. National Stadium planned and launched “Bird’s Nest” Cup Youth Baseball League Championship, Children’s Segway Challenge and other events to immerse the young people into the joy of sports. “Water Cube” presented “Wonderful Consumption Season”, issued Holiday Pass for the “May Day” Swimming, and launched eight study activities, such as Night Stay at “Water Cube”, Charity Bazaar, Little Docent and Parent-Child Half-day Camp, which were unanimously praised. With the “fastest ice” as kernel, “Ice Ribbon” launched three Challenges entitled “Little Hero on the Ice” under its own competition brand, radiating to Dual Olympics cultural clusters in the park and accelerating the post-Games sustainable utilization of the venues.

In addition, “Bird’s Nest”, “Water Cube”, “Ice Ribbon” and National Indoor Stadium (“Ice Fan”) jointly launched “Returning to the Winter Olympics” Study Tour Camp. These four venues joined forces and highlighted their respective advantages and characteristics in order to guide the youth to pay immersive visits to the Olympics venues, learn the knowledge about the Winter Olympics, enjoy the ice and snow sports, and wholeheartedly appreciate the extraordinary charm of the Olympics venues.

Spending boom ballooned by top-quality residential products

During the “May Day” Holiday of 2023, Beijing Science Park Development (Group) Co. Ltd continuously innovated marketing means online and offline, carefully planned for a variety of marketing activities, improved customers’ consumption experience, effectively drove business performance growth, and realized a total turnover of RMB 120 million.

With focus on Huairou International Science and Technology Innovation Center and two benchmark residential products Huairou Waterfront Yanqi and Feicui Huafu, Beijing Science Park Development (Group) Co. Ltd participated in the exhibition under the theme of “Top-grade Real Estate Products of State-owned Enterprises for Reassuring Life”. Through the on-site carnival and live streaming on the exhibition site and the project marketing center site, consumers were attracted “to make house purchasing after visiting the exhibition”.

By launching “Muxi Coast May 1st Happy Life Festival”, “Daguan Spring · Rustic Charms in the City”, “the May Day Holiday and Villa Sales Carnival” and marketing promotions in other forms, Beijing Science Park Development (Group) Co. Ltd continuously attracted new and old customers to visit residential projects in Tianjin, Qingdao, Kunming and other places. Guesthouses of Liangjiazhuang Village maintained safe, stable and orderly status, and generated income of about RMB 235,000.

“Longfu Temple Zone Renewal Season” as a household name

From April 28 to May 3, 2023, Beijing Xinlongfu Culture Investment Co., Ltd organized a series of activities in celebration of “Longfu Temple Zone Renewal Season”, with stress on cultural experience activities, such as art exhibitions, music parties, performing arts, athletic competitions and fashion culture fairs. Longfu Temple Zone has become not only a cultural exchange arena integrating entertainment, fun, communication and interaction in one, but also a new consumption hotspot radiating cultural characteristics and cultural charms. This cultural carnival with rich contents and diverse forms attracted 80,000 enthusiastic visitors.

What was more amazing, coupled with “Longfu Temple Zone Renewal Season”, some facades of Longfu Temple Project (Phase II) made debut. In the next step, Longfu Temple Project will introduce a variety of cultural activities through the use of indoor and outdoor multiple-space array, constantly upgrade the characteristics of Longfu Temple CBD, build interesting and diverse block-style cultural commerce, and strive to develop into an epitome of Beijing’s old city revitalization and new landmark of cultural consumption.

Presenting audiovisual feast in the form of top-grade theatrical performances

Beijing Artists Management Corp., Ltd actively explored and innovated performance forms and themes, and offered a total of 18 excellent literary and artistic performances for 12 works to Beijing citizens during the “May Day” Holiday of 2023, which attracted about 13,500 audiences. During “Jixiang Peking Opera Mei School Classics Gala for National Quintessence”, hosted by Jixiang Theater and Jingju Theater Company of Beijing, five classical works of Mei School and a concert took turns. The drama The Interrupted Dream, co-invested and operated by Beijing Artists Management Corp., Ltd and starred by Chen Peisi and his son, was staged in Beijing Tianqiao Performing Arts Center, with nearly capacity audience. The Interrupted Dream has caused a phenomenal sensation in the recent Beijing performance market. On May 3, known as “the most unmissable family musical in recent years”, Monsters in the Forbidden City: Disappearing Dragon Girl’s Wedding Dress was presented at Beijing Exhibition Center Theater again, which was a wonderful “cultural feast” for the children.
