
Role Playing of BSAM in “Construction of Modernization under Harmonious Coexistence between Man and Nature”

The 50th World Environment Day fell on June 5, 2023. In China, this Day followed the theme of “Building Modernization in Harmony between Man and Nature”. BSAM always sharpens the leading edge of main responsibilities and main businesses, and has achieved fruitful results in the construction of circular economy industrial chain, the green operation of the Winter Olympics venues, the construction of national-level green trading platform and the financial support for development of green enterprises. BSAM plays its role in “Construction of Modernization under Harmonious Coexistence between Man and Nature”.

Injecting “green power” to the development of circular economy

In Beijing, BSAM is the first large state-owned enterprise to tap into the environmental protection industry. Its subsidiary Dynagreen Environmental Protection Group Co., Ltd (Dynagreen), which pioneers in comprehensive urban environmental management, is the first Chinese enterprise to introduce international advanced waste incineration technology for domestic transformation, upgrading and redevelopment. Dynagreen is a listed conglomerate specialized in circular economy and renewable energy industry.

In recent years, Dynagreen has vigorously developed the circular economy, invested and constructed a comprehensive waste recycling project integrating waste collection, storage, transportation, incineration, power generation, heating, sludge gas utilization and slag brick making in one. Dynagreen glories in independent research and development of core equipment for waste incineration, and has cumulatively obtained 73 patents in total. It strictly meets the standards of environmental protection emission indicators, and even some core indicators outperform EU standards. Dynagreen truly achieves harmless, reduced and resource-based waste treatment. Compared with traditional landfill, waste incineration for power generation is obviously advantageous in emission reduction.

In 2022, Dynagreen achieved domestic waste disposal capacity of 11.3978 million tons and on-grid electricity of 348.08782 billion kWh, and reduced carbon dioxide emissions by nearly 4 million tons. Up to now, Dynagreen possesses more than 70 BOT and PPP franchise contracts for solid waste treatment in more than 20 provinces and autonomous regions, such as Beijing, Tianjin, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Hubei and Guangdong. At present, in the whole industry, Dynagreen ranks among the best with total waste treatment scale of 78,000 tons per day and 26 million tons per year. Dynagreen vigorously plays its role in the construction of Chinese ecological civilization.

Setting a good example of “Chinese Solutions” to low-carbon operation of the Olympic venues

BSAM engraves the concept of green development throughout construction, renovation and post-Games operation of the Olympic venues.

With the largest all-ice surface design in Asia, National Speed Skating Oval took the lead in proposing and applying CO₂ transcritical refrigeration ice making solutions. Thanks to the most advanced, environmentally friendly and efficient CO₂ transcritical refrigeration ice making technology, carbon emission from all-ice surface of nearly 12,000 square meter is close to zero. Therefore, National Speed Skating Oval is the first Winter Olympic speed skating venue in the world to adopt this ice making technology. In addition, a large quantity of high-quality waste heat, generated in the refrigeration process, can be recycled through the integrated design of cold and heat supply, which can be used for hot water, ice pouring, dehumidification and other scenario of this venue. The roofing of National Speed Skating Oval is equipped with solar photovoltaic power generation devices and high-efficiency air source heat pump for heating and cooling, which is expected to reduce carbon dioxide emission by 160 tons every year. Outdoor Square is committed to “sponging”, where rainwater infiltration and collection system is built to improve the utilization rate of rainwater and effectively reduce the irrigation water consumption.

National Stadium (“Bird’s Nest”) resorted to advanced energy-saving design and environmental protection measures at the construction stage. Therefore, it greatly minimizes energy consumption of the venue through the application of rainwater recycling system, renewable geothermal energy system and solar photovoltaic power generation technology. National Stadium has been a veritable large-sized ‘green building”. After the facelifting for the purpose of Beijing 2022, National Stadium replaced the original traditional attenuated light source with high-standard LED lamps, and improved the brightness, uniformity and glare dot of the roofing PTFE film, facade steel frame and other parts, which can be controlled under operation mode after this facelifting, with energy saving ratio of 30%. The air conditioning system reconstruction of “Bird’s Nest” adopts a total solution of “old machine replacement, load sharing and multi-type equipment matching”, meeting the different multi-area, multi-equipment and multi-scenario use needs in the venue and making high efficiency and energy saving come true.

In the process of making “Water Cube” take a new look, BSAM unswervingly implemented the concept of sustainable development in the bid for the Winter Olympics, creatively proposed the sustainable utilization transformation solution to “water-ice conversion” (a subtle change from “Water Cube” into “Ice Cube”), overcame a number of technical difficulties, and realized the gorgeous facelifting from “Water Cube” to “Ice Cube”. After this facelifting, Beijing National Aquatics Center has been both swimming pool and ice rink. After ice making equipment and ice sheet are removed, the ice rink can be restored to a swimming pool. During Beijing 2022, this invention of BSAM was widely praised. Thomas Bach, President of International Olympic Committee, spoke highly of “Ice Cube” as a good example for sustainable development of the Olympic venues.

In the post-Games era, the post-Games operation mode quickly prevails in these three venues under overall arrangement of BSAM, which demonstrates hardware facilities under international standard, operating mechanisms under the Winter Olympics standard and upgraded experience of green venues. Therefore, Beijing citizens can share the glory of the Winter Olympics. Since opening in the post-Games era, “Bird’s Nest”, “Ice Cube” and “Ice Ribbon” have cumulatively received nearly one million visitors. Upholding the concept of environment friendliness, innovation, fashion and practicality, National Stadium develops and utilizes the Winter Olympics seat covers into “cultural and creative bag”, which is designated as “Gift of Chaoyang District” and wins “Award for the Greatest Scientific and Technological Creativity”. After Beijing 2022, Beijing National Aquatics Center switches on the “water-ice dual drive” operation mode so that “Dual Olympics” heritage will continue to create value when being shared by all people. In line with the characteristics of the venue, “Ice Ribbon” launches Beijing Citizens Speed Skating Series and other top-grade speed skating events, provides a full range of ice training services, constantly popularizes skating sports, and give full play to the value of Beijing 2022 heritage.

Furnishing “market platform” for realization of the goals of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality as scheduled

Since its establishment in 2008, China Beijing Green Exchange (CBGE) has been specialized in green and low-carbon development by serving governments at all levels and enterprises of all kinds. Up to now, it has more than 2,000 members, trading volume of 100 million tons of various products and more than 30,000 trainees. CBGE has developed into a leading comprehensive environmental rights trading and green and low-carbon service platform in China. CBGE continuously gropes for innovative ways to promote energy conservation and emission reduction through market mechanisms, and has carried out fruitful market innovations in environmental rights trading, green public services, green low-carbon services and green financial services. CBGE has developed and completed two CCER methodology projects, namely, “Methodology of Bamboo Afforestation Carbon Sink Project” and “Methodology of Ecological Restoration and Emission Reduction for Small-sized Non-coal Mining Areas”, which have been filed by the competent authorities. CBGE renders carbon footprint measurement, carbon neutrality certification and other green quantitative services for China Post, Sinopec, CNOOC and other enterprises. “Ant Forest” in cooperation with Ant Group has become one of the most successful carbon inclusion cases at home and abroad. Standards for environmental rights financing instruments and carbon finance products, drafted by CBGE, have been respectively issued and enforced by the People’s Bank of China and China Securities Regulatory Commission as green finance industry standards.

In February 2023, the CPC Beijing Municipal Committee and Beijing Municipal People’s Government held Launch Ceremony of “Building a National-level Green Development Demonstration Zone in Sub-Center of Beijing City—Establishment of a National-level Green Exchange”. From then on, construction of a national-level green exchange has kicked off. As a pioneer for carbon peaking and carbon neutrality work, a test field for reform and development and a demonstration zone for green finance, CBGE will spare no effort to implement Opinions of The State Council on Supporting High-quality Development of Sub-Center of Beijing City (Guo Fa [2021] No. 15), seize the opportunity of undertaking the construction of China Certified Emission Reduction Trading Center, actively build national public platform for carbon peaking and carbon neutrality management and green financial infrastructure, constantly strengthen three core capabilities of carbon pricing, carbon quantification and carbon finance, strive to build a national-level green exchange with global reach as early as possible, and contribute to developing the sub-center of Beijing City into a national green development demonstration zone, building Beijing into a global green finance and sustainable finance center and helping China realize green, low-carbon and high-quality development and the goals of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality.

Feeding “financial runoff water” to high-quality development of green industry

In recent years, China Beijing Equity Exchange has vigorously rendered services to various market entities, implemented national strategy of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, and promoted energy mix adjustment and green and low-carbon development. China Beijing Equity Exchange assists CGNPC Wind Power Co., Ltd, Qinghai Huanghe Hydropower Development Co., Ltd, Huadian Fuxin Energy Corporation (a branch of China Huadian Corporation) and Powerchina Renewable Energy Co., Ltd to complete mixed ownership restructuring or equity diversification. As a result, innovation vitality has been continuously enhanced and the core competitiveness has been continuously improved in these market players. Among them, CGNPC Wind Power Co., Ltd raised up to RMB 30.53 billion to increase capitals, which not only hits a record high for fundraising amount of mixed ownership reform project in the history of the property market, but also sets a number of records on capital market (such as the largest equity financing project in the domestic new energy power industry). Moreover, China Beijing Equity Exchange actively helps power enterprises dispose of suspended and closed thermal power units. By the end of 2022, a total of 136 transactions were displayed at “Column of Suspended and Closed Thermal Power Units under Disposal” at official website of China Beijing Equity Exchange, with transaction value of RMB 5.35 billion. Disposal scope largely covered all types of small thermal power units. This strongly supported enterprises to accelerate the phaseout of outdated production capacity and achieve green development.

Beijing Guozi Financial Leasing Co., Ltd focuses on the development and expansion of green leasing business, actively establishes green leasing ecosystem, forges “Green Leasing” Brand with its unique characteristics in the fields of green infrastructure construction, low-carbon energy transition, green urban lifestyle, industrial energy conservation and emission reduction, and enables green transformation with greater momentum. By the end of the first quarter of 2023, Beijing Guozi Financial Leasing Co., Ltd had served more than 100 green leasing projects, and invested more than RMB 4.5 billion.

Beijing SMEs Credit Re-guarantee Co., Ltd and its subsidiary Beijing Guohua Culture & Technology Financing Guarantee Co., Ltd gave financing guarantee of RMB 13 million for the industry leaders engaged in core parts and battery materials of new energy vehicles, helping new energy vehicle enterprises obtain rapid return on funds. Beijing SMEs Credit Re-guarantee Co., Ltd supported the construction of wind power, hydropower and photovoltaic power generation projects of a dozen domestic electric power leaders through engineering letter of guarantee, with guarantee amount of RMB 300 million, thereby actively promoting the development of green energy industry.
